Reef Rescue is a fish-finding, tile-switching, push-your-luck board game designed by Daryl Chow.

Hop into the Dugong G3 and explore the Pacific Ocean using an array of devices attached to your sub.

Rarely seen and endangered sea creatures unique to Asia come alive in a splash of colours.

Beware the garbage patches that are dangerous to both humans and sea creatures.
What's In The Box:
40 Ocean tiles
10 Exploration tiles
2 Rulesheets


Lay the 40 tiles in a 8x5 grid face down in the middle of the playing area. This is called the Ocean.
Each player receives 2 double-sided Action cards. Randomly shuffle these cards and place them face-up in front of each player side by side.
Determine a Start Player by any method, preferably the player who most recently visited the ocean. You are ready to begin!
Each player takes turns delving into the Pacific ocean to find different sea creatures. The aim of the game is to score the most points by rescuing Little Creatures and Gigantic Creatures. The game ends when there are only 10 or less Ocean tiles left.
Beginning with the Start Player, players take turns in a clockwise order. On their turn, a player chooses one of their 2 face-up Dugong Action cards and executes the action stated on the tile. There are four different possible actions that you can take in the Dugong:

i) Flip open up to 3 adjacent tiles in a row.

ii) Pick up any 3 Ocean tiles in the Ocean.

iii) Flip open up to 5 tiles, one by one. Your turn ends when either...

iv) Flip open up to 5 tiles, one by one. Your turn ends when either...
After you have carried out your action, flip the action tile over. You will have different actions to choose from in the next turn.
The game will enter its last round when there are 10 or less tiles in the Ocean. Play until each player has carried out the same number of turns.

2 RP

3 RP

4 RP
+1 RP for every Little Creature

10 RP
+10 RP for every Gigantic Creature

15 RP
+15 RP for the
Great Coral Reef
+10 additional RP for whoever rescued the most Ocean tiles with exactly 2 Little Creatures
The player with the most points is the winner!